Benefits of Modafinil
This blog is about my experience and benefits using modafinil and armodafinil over the past 10+ years.
I have basically been on a quest for optimizing my energy and focus since I was 25. Modafinil and armodafinil have been a big part of that quest.
This post will over the following modafinil topics:
Other things I have tried in the past
Benefits of Modafinil
How Modafinil works for me
How I use waklert or modalert
What else you can do to maximize the benefits of taking waklert or modalert
Negative side effects of using modafinil
My background before using modafinil:
First off, I have been a professional trader for over 17 years now. I will be turning 42 this coming spring. So needless to say I spend a lot of time in front of a computer and also on the phone. So having peak concentration has always been very important to me. I was always in competitive sports and played college level as well. So naturally taking supplements and looking for a competitive edge has been nothing new for me.
When I first got into trading the excitement and thrill of it kept me engaged and able to log long hours in front of a screen. But naturally as time went on i started to slip a bit. At first I would just try to eat right, work out and drink coffee. Then the old habit of chewing tobacco kicked in and I started doing that at my desk as well. I sometimes still pop the odd chew in. I find nicotine to work just as well or better compared to modafinil. Obviously though chewing tobacco has a lot of terrible side effects so for that reason I stay away for the most part.
Then one day I heard about modafinil from a podcast. I can’t remember if it was Tim Ferriss or Dave Asprey talking about it. Either way I knew I had to try it. Did a bit of research on the internet, forums and listened to a few more podcasts. Pretty soon after I found out about a co-worker who had a prescription for provigil. He was kind enough to let me try a pill one day at work.
The Benefits of Modafinil:
To be honest I was a little underwhelmed at first. I didn’t really feel any different than I normally did while trading. However the big difference was after I was done trading. Usually I would be mentally exhausted enough that I needed to get a nap in before I went to the gym. But on this day I felt great and went home and was able to sit down and read a bit before my workout. Usually reading would knock me out right after work. After I finished my workout I still felt great and went home to make dinner and got some more reading in as well. Couldn’t believe how alert I was after a long day. Luckily I took it in the early morning so it wore off right around bedtime.
After that I was hooked and over the years I have tried different generics, brands and different nootropics/racetams. But I always come back to Modafinil. For the record I have never tried adderall or anything comparable to it.
I currently use armodafinil the most. Waklert is the type of armodafinil I use from Sun pharma. They are 150 mg pills and I take a full one. I am a bigger guy so I need a full pill. Even though I have been using modafinil or armodafinil for over 10 years, I have never needed or exceeded 1 200 mg or 150 mg pill in a 24 hour time period.
I also don’t use it everyday like I used to. I probably use waklert 3 times a week now. And of course I take it with me whenever I travel. Which is quite often and because I am on the west coast PST I experience a lot of time changes. Most of my travel is into the central and eastern time zones and over to Europe. So sleep can get messed up easily and I find that by taking modafinil or armodafinil I can still function properly and adjust quickly to the time change.
My current morning routine while using Waklert:
I am up around 5am. I drink a glass of water with pink salt mixed in. Then I go outside in the morning sun if it’s out already. If not then I go get ready for work. Have a shower, brush my teeth. I wait an hour after waking before I take the waklert and I wait 90 minutes before having my first coffee. This has come from listening to Andrew Huberman and his recommendations. It has made a big difference in how I feel throughout the whole day.
The point of waiting to take coffee or waklert in the morning is to let the body’s natural cortisol levels spike first. I find by doing this I have lots of energy all day and don’t need a nap even without taking waklert that day. Also combining it with viewing sunlight in the morning. It is recommended that you should view sunlight before screen light but that’s not possible in Canada in the winter. But I still make sure to go outside in the morning when the sun comes out or when it should be out.
I should also mention that modafinil or armodafinil are appetite suppressants so they can help if you choose to fast.
Besides coffee and fasting, some of the other things I do to maximize the waklert is to take various supplements. For when the waklert is really working and I want to finally get to bed I take the following cocktail.
- 400mg of magnesium glycinate
- 100mg apigenin (derivative of chamomile)
- 200mg L-theanine
That combo will shut my brain off so I can relax and fall asleep fairly easily. Another great Andrew Huberman suggestion.
I also use whey protein and eat a decent amount of eggs. The Whey protein helps with getting tyrosine which is important for making dopamine. The eggs help with providing the body with choline. Which can get depleted if using modafinil or armodafinil too much.
A lot of times headaches that are caused by modafinil are due to low levels of choline in the system.
Negative side effects of modafinil:
To be honest the only negative side effects I have ever experienced is when I use a different generic of modafinil. First off they don’t work as well. Not as powerful and do not last as long. As for side effects I get, it’s generally the same one. When I woke up the next morning I had a slight stomach ache. Which usually lasts for 30 to 60 minutes.
I know other people talk about other side effects so be cautious if its your first time using modafinil. But I have found that trying to optimize modafinil seems to keep the side effects away from me.
Also it helps if you try to eat right, sleep enough, workout and not overuse modafinil. Remember too much of a good thing can be hazardous for your health.